
Nomination Process

- The membership must nominate candidates for membership.  A member may nominate another member of “PITT PBL” or a member may nominate himself/herself.

- Must be a current, dues paying member of “PITT PBL”.

- Must have submitted dues on time, and must not be on attendance probation.

- Must be in good academic standing.  At time of election, must have at least 2.5 full academic years remaining in undergraduate education at the University of Pittsburgh.

- Must not be studying abroad during the upcoming spring semester, during the officer term for which he/she is being elected.

Election Process

- Elections will take place  annually at the end of the fall  semester.

- President must be a BSBA  student.

- Prior to the elections  meeting, all nominees for all positions must  submit to the current President a  strategic plan/campaign and resume via email.The current President will post these plans and  resumes online for  viewing by the membership.

-At the meeting prior to the  elections meeting, all nominees for all  positions will be introduced to the membership, and time will be allotted for members to speak to the  nominees.

-At least 50% of the current,  dues paying members of“PITT PBL” must be  present at the elections meeting in  order to conduct the elections.

-A ballot clearly indicating each of the Leadership Team positions and  the nominees running for each position  will be distributed to the membership. If there are two positions available, this will also be  clearly indicated, and  members will vote for two people for these  positions.

- After elections have been  completed, the current Leadership Team and  three representatives from the  general membership will count the ballots.

- Only the winners, not the  scores, will be announced at the conclusion  of the elections  meeting.

- Ballots will be kept for two  weeks to prove the results, and nominees  may request to see the ballots at any  time during the two weeks.  After two  weeks, the ballots will be thrown away.

- Newly elected officers are  required to “shadow” the existing Leadership  Team throughout the spring  semester.He/she  is expected to attend all  Leadership Team meetings, all general body meetings,  several events, and to  meet with their respective existing Leadership Team member, among other  things.If a newly elected, shadowing Leadership Team member  fails to meet  these requirements or demonstrates an inability to commit to the  responsibility of being a “PITT PBL” officer, as determined by the existing  Leadership Team, the existing Leadership Team may vote to remove that elected  officer.75%  of the existing Leadership Team must vote “NO” for this to  occur. If this  occurs, a new officer will be appointed by the President and  approved by the membership.

What you need to do to run for LT or President:

- Be nominated (either by yourself or another member)

- Accept the nomination

- Submit your resume to (pittpbl.pres@gmail.com) by the announced deadline.*

- Submit your strategic plan to (pittpbl.pres@gmail.com) by the announced deadline.*

- Present your strategic plan to the general body during elections. Presidential candidates will have 7 minutes to present, followed by 3 minutes of question and answer.  Leadership Team candidates will have 3 minutes to present their strategic plan, followed by 2 minutes of question and answer.